February 15, 5:30pm at the clubhouse
During 2022, the McKay’s Mill Pool Contractor experienced significant pool staffing/management issues that impacted lifeguard availability, cleanliness of bathrooms and pool areas, and pool entrance issues. This resulted in the contractor issuing a refund to the Master Association.
The Master Board (MB) is preparing to address these issues for the 2023 pool season. Before the MB makes any final decisions on the issues associated with lifeguard staffing, cleanliness, and pool entrance, we wanted to receive input from others impacted by these decisions.
The MB asked the McKay’s Mill Pool Committee (MMPC) to review the 2022 issues associated with lifeguard availability and pool entrance and provide recommendations to the MB. The MMPC has appropriately responded with the following recommendations:
- Pool hours would remain from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm each day.
- Lifeguards would be present only during the hours of 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
- McKay’s Mill residents would swim at their own risk during the hours of 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
- A gatekeeper should be hired to oversee the entrance of only approved McKay’s Mill residents. This would include checking of proof of residency and presentation of approved key card. The cost of this change is yet to be determined.
The MB also needs input from the McKay’s Mill homeowners who enjoy the pool every year. To receive your input, the MB is scheduling a Town Hall Meeting on this issue for February 15 at 5:30 pm at the McKay’s Mill Clubhouse (1215 Habersham Way).
We value your input on the issues identified during 2022 and your thoughts as to the best solutions. Specifically, should there be a separate contractor responsible for the cleanliness of the bathrooms and pool areas? The liability issue associated with the no lifeguard periods also needs to be addressed. On the liability issue, the question has been asked as to whether only adults and/or children under the age of 16, accompanied by an adult, should be the only people permitted in the pool during the no lifeguard periods. In other words, during no lifeguard periods, no unaccompanied children under the age of 16 would be permitted in the pool area.
We hope to see you on February 15. WE NEED YOUR INPUT!!