Tap Root Farm – Urgent caution for parents.


The owner of Tap Root communicates the following:

Tap Roots Farm is Private Property and is now classified as an official hunting property. Please inform your children and guests they should not enter the premises for any reason, at any time. Due to increased wildlife activity and per police recommendation, Tap Roots Farm has installed trap lines throughout the property. In addition to trap lines, Tap Roots Farm has an active shooting clay target range.

We were recently notified from the owner that three teenage boys, interested in ‘checking out the noise’, topped the hill just as target practice was ending. The property owners were putting their equipment away when the boys were noticed from the very direction shots were being fired. Thankfully the boys were not injured. Again, this is Private Property and should not be trespassed. No Trespassing signs are properly posted and should be observed.

The owners of Tap Roots Farm expresses their deepest appreciation for any assistance you can provide in this matter.

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